Whole Number Quotient Florist

Whole Number Quotient Florist

Description: Create division equations based on descriptions.

Tags: 3rd grade math, Division, CCSS.Math.Content.3.OA.A.2

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Question 1 (Short Answer, 10 points)

There are 24 roses, which must be divided equally into 6 baskets. How many roses will be in each basket?

Question 2 (Short Answer, 10 points)

A florist has 35 yellow tulips and wants to put them equally into 7 vases. How many tulips will be in each vase?

Question 3 (Multiple Choice, 10 points)

The florist has 48 orders and packs them equally into boxes onto 4 delivery trucks. How many boxes will there be on each truck?

Question 4 (Matching, 10 points)

The florist is giving away 32 orchids to be shared equally among 4 schools. How many orchids will each school get?

Question 5 (Matching, 10 points)

The florist has planted 72 dahlias. She wants to divide them into bundles of 9 dahlias for wedding centerpieces. How many bundles will the florist have?